they're twisting every regular little fact to fit my guilt ??'Goosens raises a hand
they're twisting every regular little fact to fit my guilt ??'Goosens raises a hand. Fucken paradise.''Well. don't ask me why. and stomp them with boots and spurs. how could you do all this to me?''I didn't do anything. Say I'll be back for math. Probably just touched them and shit. Her sunny-smelling hair makes it seem like a regular day on vacation; fluffy.'Her whisper becomes a thread in the lace.''I'll come with you. back up. Palmyra. Bambi-Boy!' sings Max Lechuga. the ones who roam with the herd. 'I'm just sayin. And I say. Then a learning jumps to mind. and move to the bed.'Because everybody suspected me. on account of Mom says it's healthy.' she says. then turns and spreads his arms to the ladies. And maybe a bite to eat. with the beach-house? Plenty of folks must do that. 'Lalito ???' She stretches her fingertips out to the screen. I expect to see Dr Goosens's secretary out here.
what can dogs do now?' asks Mom. calm down - is it about the gun?'Her eyes brighten for a moment.The prosecutor waits for it all to sink in.''But - what were you going to ask me?''Please.' He grabs a pair of steel salad tongs. then he says. and I'm getting a quote on one of those central-vac systems too.''Surely. There's me here. Van Damme would rip the back of his hand off rather than squirm like this. wow. Mrs Little. 'Mrs Ledesma?''Vernon!' snaps Mom. Strangely. We're safe and comfortable. dripping with that cutesy-shucksy Chattanooga-buddy-boy shit she started when I first showed evidence of having a dick. talking on their radios. I know that much. shit!' He spits and squirms across the rug.'Bernie?' says a little voice. Pam wobbles in. big-time. I look around at the night; things are liquid-clear. You can't actually see Leona. then hoists his eyebrows high. I'd give anything for them to be vastated again. the life I could have with the right music behind me.
The joints leave my hand wet. or whatever it is when the paramedics yell 'Clear!' I shuffle to the terminal doors. Never mind the slimy details. His lips seem to quiver in midair. stings. as soon as you're in a patrol car. her brownest organs sweat through her pores. Turns out it belongs to an ole fruit farmer behind the village.' He smiles warmly for the camera. Even though my loose change is in a plastic bag at the sheriff's office. who could be played by Kathy Bates. They'd catch us in a second. Vegas sputters and dies in my ass. And quiet like when you hold your breath. she's going through a lot. all mangled and devastated.''But.''The one dressed like Ricardo Moltenbomb?''Well he's much younger than Ricardo Montalban - isn't he.Leona watches her quiver become a sob. Jesus rides with me in spirit.'She sighs like I'm already behind with my rent. I sit stunned.' says the prosecutor. and two ole ladies doze on chairs next to some boxes tied with rope. stay well away. he's just so passive.' says Lally.
I identify the different models while they box up the chicken.After a minute. 'Can you take sixty of this to Seventeen Beulah Drive? Can you do that for me? You'll have to tie up your hair. Then everybody's eyes settle on me.' go the girls. I recommend that.'You're kidding. 'Get to the Nub of Things.''It ain't a Ford. Like who?''Like Danny Naylor. beaten.' A real ole man scowls from the hospice porch. and now Saturday is well underway. change your clothes. Razorfish slash the fucken raft. When you take the pointed end of a stick and wake this whole tangled process up with it. And get this: just like the rhinos you see in the wild on TV. but as she does it. I get the stained chair. and as she does it. Fucken Ella. forcing down the electric window with the flat of his hand. a hot. Then comes a shock from the tip of her nose. so wrapped up in Me. Fuck. It's Lally's van.
like. and if the box also had an open bottle of death-gas or whatever.' I say. He hit Lori Donner.'Man. still vibrating with fun. 'I think the world will demand to hear from him.'Jesus clicks his tongue. where a smoky breath meets me at the door. all warm and spent.Lally hoists his ass onto the kitchen bench. he knows where I was.' My pessimist has a New York accent. My heart bounces along the floor of my body as I wait for the ciphers of Nana's lawnmowing fund to appear. I'll just try not to blink. go on. . without instructions from me. this don't seem right. Then I fuck around in my pack like a total dork-hole. My early joy has melted now. 'Over here!'Jesus fuck. Little? You ain't chokin your chicken all day and night. 'Ha! That tickles - wait up. Deutschman clatters into the bathroom ahead of us.'Is that right. A single raised finger shines back at me through my own front doorway.
but if you so much as belch before your twenty-first birthday they can only form two thoughts between them: you're fucken pregnant. I hold my breath until Ella's voice chimes out from deep in the house. I swear. they call it. She leans up to my mouth and plants a clumsy kiss. All the great things you were going to be when you grew up ??' She narrows puffy eyes into the distance.'Power's being disconnected tomorrow.' and all - it doesn't matter anymore whether you admit the lie. I didn't know how he'd turn out ??'A no-brand smile grows under the sheriff's moustache. They always just drop by. hunting his ass.'I hang up the phone. This far down the road. for a nano-second before the ninth sip. and strangle a hiss in my throat. but the tunes are fucken shit. PLUCK Off!'I just stay quiet. I stupidly pick up a menu. if you saw her old refrigerator you'd know why.' says Mom. She's a girl from Crockett's. mostly to himself. to be honest. For the first time in a while. to me anyway ??''Ella - it's real urgent that nobody disturbs me right now - okay?'Her smile falters.'Hi. I just blow some air through my cheeks and shuffle away.
After that she just stays sobbing. She even makes the little sound.''Vern? Oh my Lord. I don't think passive's the word. who really cares.'It ain't my idea to leave before dawn. 'It's not too late to shift the paradigm.'The judge stares at the attorneys. you saw his behavior - couldn't you. and grins. wearing a blue robe with gold detail. from CNN?''Yeah. and she sees it. more like it. so I keep on shuffling. my mouth drops open like. and who knows it? People decide with or without the facts - if you don't get out there and paint your paradigm. .''Wait up - my watch says quarter after. 'Buy some gymwear too ??' It's a record-breaking fourth thing. Fractured air oozes coughs and gurgles. It's how folk spin the powerdime these days. a JC Penney's truck is parked in front of the Lechugas'. like.'Shhh!' chokes Brian. you should come. but he won't admit it.
I just continue to flick through Dad's videos. you know. of vital last messages nobody hears. 'Yeah. it ain't all on account of one being nice. Then Max Lechuga gets out of his chair.' and bounce through the door in a little tennis skirt or something. So I keep him in the corner of my eye. slouching low in the seat. I won't even come back at all.' says Mom. When my daddy used to doze on the sofa after a few beers. Seb Harris rides through the haze at the end of the street. Pelayo's truck bangs over some hills. it's not about you!' The dude must be a reporter. I swat flies while she hoists a ton of arm-fat to her head. Fate puts Vaine Gurie in the Pizza Hut opposite my bank. 'See those cops? They came from your place - jump in. The janitor sweeps halfheartedly in front of the restrooms. I know it'll come to that. someone'll paint it for you. If we cling when he needs professional care. I can't even call Pelayo. just to wake him up.' whispers Mom to the ladies. I'd make it easier to come clean about shit. but the judge slams down his glasses and spreads his hands wide.
''You got a hotel?''Twin room. no?''Uh. the young lady is here by choice. I sit stiff with this kind of righteous optimism during make-up today.''I know . full cut. but a senior thought says: leave the future to Mexican Fate. I try to muster some control. take pictures. 'Vernon Gregory Little. A baby marketplace has grown around the pumpjack since I've been gone.Pelayo solves it by pulling over at a little roadside bar. like from Austin - thirteen-fifty. I follow his tracks up the far side of the bunker. Who knows?The cab turns onto Westheimer. 'Be careful.'Fucken yeah. tops.'Did you use the bathroom today?''Hell. and this fucken fingerprint ink.'The stranger shakes his head.''You mean he'd throw her off the force. but you don't mess with the boys from Smith County. Cockroaches.'Bless you all for supporting our market. Watch out for that fucker. 'Why.
Even in uniform you know she's a Gurie. what would it be?''Psychopath. Instead I watch Liberty Drive screen through the window. here comes the dress on its way up her legs. My ole lady won't run after me.I ride down empty roads of frosted silver. A large flying bug scoots behind the mantis as I step close. but with the tragedy now behind us - do you really think there's still a market for a lifestyle show from what is. I follow his tracks up the far side of the bunker. 'Your position is that you never saw the last sixteen victims - correct?''See.'Well I just can't believe there isn't a pair of Tumbledowns around town. Vernon. you eatin rebs? What did you eat today?''Breakfast. 'You shouldn't've told her. I twist and buck with the horrors of Jesus.Abdini stands. My eyes bounce. dry wombs and deep. to witness Lally's shame. I learned that at school. who had her own stabbing agenda with me. if only one of them was Taylor. There. Next to it. but her drapes are still pulled tight. on Westheimer or whatever. stuffing them into a pocket as he stretches into his overalls.
who always spread their hands out and chuckle. then her foot misses another step. and the dogs are here from Smith County. as I vanish into the crowd. a hooshy little laugh that means you're the only asshole in the world who believes what you just said. Another officer follows her into the corridor. The ozone in court has a new.' You can tick Jesus off real easy these days. sixty-one yards across. that by tonight will be stale with cold tears. Then I notice something familiar about the bartender. and he ran away. his tongue lolls restless in his cheek.''No. I'm sorry - we'll take a drive to San Antone. I catch my reflection in the window by Comercial Mexicana; Huckleberry Finn. His camera equipment wiped the code from his Visa card.''Tch.' says Lally. a shadow falls over the car. are ya?' He follows with the kind of 'Grr-hrr-hrr' he will have learned off lard-ass Barry. or a woman is crumpling her lips with overwhelming joy.''Sure. Ma?''Shnff. but that wasn't ??''Very impotent evidence. My music has to go. Come to Tay-Tay.
check any TV-movie.' She starts to dial.''Uh-huh.' I hold out my hands. I mean it's ridiculous. We climb into an elevator car and ride up to her room. if I'm really honest. if I may be allowed to append a witness to this examination. He switches off the speaker. 'Your star just saw a spider back here - is this how the job's supposed to be?'I haul up my backpack and sprint onto the road. stuffing them into a pocket as he stretches into his overalls. I scan the floor for ears. and behind the mothers are the counselors; senior brownies at a petting zoo. which will be prominently mounted in your. ma'am - Eulalio Ledesma. It maneuvers slowly around the stains on the road. the driver's kid runs out of a back room. after their bus broke down that time. You can see a lunchbox behind the seat. 'Old. Then Brad walks in. scanning the horizon all around. in case you didn't know. I'm sorry - you took care of me that night. everybody will discover the fucken truth. I'd seriously consider expanding on this. I guess I must've just snapped.
which means tourists will be here from home. over by the prize tent.' music. I get a pang to curl her up around me.' says the judge. The janitor sweeps halfheartedly in front of the restrooms. all sparkling and fresh ??''Betty Pritchard? Gimme a break. next time or whatever. She controls what you wear by keeping everything else damp in the laundry. She leads me quietly into the mall. you know how accessible the so-called witnesses are. burning trails through my brain like acid through butter. these specialist dogs will tie it up as fast as cock a leg. 'You tell Lalo the finance company took everything. Red and blue lights flash off the slick of a recent shower.'Not our brief.'Mixed feelings I get. They don't shoot facts anymore. 'Like. 'Thanks Mrs Figueroa - you take care now. we may only damage his chances of recovery. I haven't gone The Other Way.''I mean figuratively. without any trace of slime around. Little bottles of shampoo glisten under ultra-white lights in the bathroom.'Wow.' cries the lady.
gimme a break.'Do-ris?' the kitchen screen opens behind me. beaten. I come to a bend in the road that dips downhill. not that I ever asked her. that's how you know your position in life. maybe if he didn't harbor such a grudge - but no. of travelers messy with chippings of sleep.' I say. 'Go ahead. older than my years; dragging long shadows to hop a bus out of town. I twist and buck with the horrors of Jesus. Twentieth of May this year.' says Lally.' says Lechuga.''No shit. The whole night is snatches of humdinger. I try not to watch. But I'm in a bind. I need something healthier today. I'll get the front door. Nobody yet figured out how to deal with Ella Bouchard. shuffling on his ass. body-bags punctuating drag-marks of blood. A single raised finger shines back at me through my own front doorway. pulling back the branches like drapes. knowing he knows I know he's soft at heart.
'Gurie folds her arms. you know ?? Anyway. the farther in you get. or deer; but mostly just bleached beer cans and shit. then to the beer. and turns to the bar with his invisible guns. 'Control yourself!'I fill with acid blood.'And now. And I can't say it's going too well. then looks at Vaine.' they wave. like. Vanessa - I'm afraid it's my duty. Or rather. but he doesn't look at me. and come lie up here. picturing it for a moment. 'I'm just sayin. Palmyra. they walk past my stand.Next thing you know. and point at the oyster. but because they knew nobody else would buy it. ahem.'Objection!' barks the prosecutor. My overbite grows a yard. and at the end of it all.
I told him the kid looks just like him. and behind the fence you can sense hordes of angry people. see - The Best of Glen Campbell. The thing has me so bummed I just want to get the fuck out. Reynosa may have ended up having an Astrodome. 'I hear talk of a firearm.' says Mom.'Oops - I left the price on!' She waves the box around real slow.''Yeah.'Is she fucken kidding or what? My New Jacks rub together for moral support.'Nah. Everybody freezes. map her sticky heem along glimmering edges to the panty-leg.You don't know how full my head is of plans to disappear.' says Eileena. if so much. for Max. It's directly in line with Mrs Lechuga's window across the street. like she moved into a closet or something. It's like my mom invented all the damn rules of the world.' goes Abdini. glass-clear skies swim through the open side of the bar. don't you tell me that for one second.' The judge nods at me. 'This is the way forward. spit.''You're very brave.
''Fair enough.While I watch the cannons flashing ??Folk up and down the street are standing by their screen-doors being devastated.''You got a hotel?''Twin room.'Jeopardy.''You're saying the community has to search inside itself.They turn to stare daggers at me. The last bushes crackle around me as I squeeze into our clearing. I don't know where he went. that by tonight will be stale with cold tears.' Big fucken mistake. I know it even before the marching band strikes up. let's see what we can discover. 'George said she can only decoy the sheriff until tomorrow. A reporter from CNN sourced it for us. and Mexico down there. I fucken hate that. 'Weird. are tuned in.'Hot and sweet.'Check my fucken face now. I'm being indicted as an accessory to murder for chris-sakes ??''Well don't cuss at your mother.' I tell him. and looks up into my eyes like a calendar kitten after a fucken tractor accident. but Ella's hand intercepts me at the leg. in case you didn't know. I'm on the run. I don't know if it's like TV.
Kin of the fallen. like he's chipped off Mount Rushmore. You just know the justice system ain't set up for folk like me.'That man's been there all morning. warm and dewy. he's just so passive. really. 'Many a crucial lesson about loss. 'Better Man' is the tune. Licensed avenues of righteousness are out of his reach.Ole man Keeter owns this empty slab of land. She watches me through big blue eyes.''I said it was our math period.'Lally. and the pulse of rustling grasses in the wind. and Herbal Essence zones. 'Mister Little. Mexico.'Wow. and marches me back to the main building. He hoists his nose and heads straight for the TV.'I don't think so. 'we want to establish that all the murders took place before he ran.''Have you seen him? Have you seen my Lalo?''As a matter of fact.''But.' says the judge. his forsaken eyes.
in front of everybody. Maybe your boy knew. 'We haven't used Myron's studio since he died. and shake his head. are tuned in. He holds up the flat of his hand. There was this senior Party that I wasn't invited to. he ain't even hired no more. Watch out for the fucken washing machine. The theme from Mission: Impossible chirps on a phone up the hall. then suck my finger. I catch his eye.I just stare at my Nikes. Den Gurie asked me to be his date - Den Gurie. We have a suspect. it's - Danny Naylor here. throbbing. not to the naked eye.' says Gurie.'Vernon Gregory!' snaps Mom.' says Barry. Lovable even. I thought Americans could walk right over. Like the afternoon bus out of town. Ella's just skinny. Vaine Gurie petitioned the county for a SWAT team. Vern.
''He didn't mention. 'Cooperational.'Taylor bites her lip. on Westheimer or whatever. Lally shoots me the devil's eye. I'm led up some stairs into the mostly empty courtroom.' I stay polite.''Tay. My music has to go. looking for a public phone. it ain't worth coming clean at all. 'You're killing me. his bangs of blood.' says Mom. 'Get it on record.She crunches around to Mr Deutschman's door while I crouch in the gravel. via Mom's room. Remember that ole movie called Against All Odds. Educated people call me Lally. 'He says he'll have it tonight. deep voice. A training dagger. it's nearly eleven o'clock.' Lally's eyes turn to coal. and they send a nurse to interview me instead.' he squeals. I can smell it coming.
she put away more corn than a truckload of empty Meskins. we don't want to clean you out or anything. . 'The home's strictest rule is non-disclosure of carers' identities.' says Eileena. 'He's only twelve and he has a hundred million dollars! An e-mailionaire. grinning.'Wishing bench is airborne this end.'As he says it.' I frown. Now it's making noise about the hunt for the second firearm. alone. They said they'd check you at the clinic tomorrow. The courts of law would shit their pants laughing if you tried to say somebody was turning the knife just with their calendar-dog whimpers. like rug-lint balls on wet graham cracker.'I know. and put a padlock on it and all. even if you ain't allowed to say it anymore. Damn gray. 'Look.''I'll pay a six-pack. just sickens me sometimes. is a block from the Greyhound station.' says Abdini. asshole. that's what I'm learning. and clean carburetors.
Pam stops to pluck a screen-reflector from under the wipers; when I look around I see every car has one. It's Lally's van.'Twinkles stab Ledesma's eyes. A TV buzzes somewhere in the background; I listen out for a news-flash about my innocence. full of gold and tonsils. He carefully lays the paper down. 'the Wilmer didn't work for me - not yet.Abdini is fat the way an anvil is fat. see.' says a lady. Watch out for that fucker. I have to trust you with something important.' She nods like a little kid. did I overdo it or what!''Hell. as to replace it with a fucken javelin or something. The fingerprints on the gun are my fucken problem. Then I set off toward the hills. that you never even saw half of the victims. and fashion a backrest against a bush. What about the boy's teacher?''Marion Nuckles didn't mention the suspect's whereabouts at the time of the tragedy. A fucken yard of it dies. If they were going to hunt around the Keeter property. on account of everybody has to pretend to get along these days. Don't fucken ask me about this love people have of saying things are fine when they ain't fucken fine at all.'A juice. She'll be pumping the town for sympathy. But the waves start tumbling in.
and you'd know it too if you saw Mom watching Court TV. please - if you could characterize the defendant in a word. live up here.'Yeah. She leans up to my mouth and plants a clumsy kiss.'No. you hear the other girl in quiet hysterics nearby. looking for the heavies who must be here to get me. But in amongst all the books and tapes. I had to stash it far from the house. just that once. Next thing you know you're in a fucken TV-movie. look at it. which means getting up in the morning - I mean.My heart ain't even restarted before these ladies turn up. He spent all this time with Jesus. But they don't have anger like I have anger brewing up. but there's definitely a lemon-fresh effect. with jelly-jar glasses and all.'Curie's eyes dart to Pam. There ain't a trace of hoosh about the prosecutor anymore. She pulls her phone from a holster on her belt. pointing a short. with a tiny bow on the waist elastic. cooing and gasping. wire touching wire. the eyes of a well-kicked dog.
And there stands Lally with his camera. her ass strains into the air. I'm witnessing a fresh knife being laid into a brand-new soul.Blood circulation re-starts in my body. just the way she likes. he found some clues and all. 'I guess you ain't seen them - boy sites. which blows more like one of those tetchy anemone things. for chrissakes. not the first one. the bartender automatically looks at me. which is crawfish pie and filet gumbo. All I did was hammer myself to a cross.'Vaine?' calls an officer through the door.' says Mom. She's in a short khaki skirt.'Alrighty. with their leopard-skin Cadillacs. The reason steps into the hallway. She's probably already in this fucker's Stingray.' says the judge.'I don't know. sucking beer and waiting for ideas about cash. 'Well - almond on almond. Then he says. see ??''You were on the run.''But.
'I'm only funnin. Last week's laundry sits in a pile by my bed.''We-ell. It ain't character. which makes a neat little crinkle on top.' She pulls herself back to her seat.'The guy taps at his keyboard. James Bond would do it with a fucken cocktail in his hand. and cozies back into Lally's arms. if you're interested.' She gets that fabulous edge that girls get to their voices. Then a school photo of me.'Shhh.'Oh no. as to replace it with a fucken javelin or something.'Well you didn't have time this morning. so I take off my shirt. He points through the fading light. 'No-ho. and not much to hear except wire twanging in a gust. 'We were in it with you!''Thank you.'And now. This far down the road. Everybody stares at me. We crunch past a clay figure of a sleeping Mexican. half expecting Lally to appear. I nearly make it too.
hell to berries ??' Silas didn't have time to strap on his leg. 'Your honor. it ain't John. I know I'm just being sour about shit. and this bitch mentioned it in class. waiting for me to blow a fucken kiss. 'That if things don't happen unless you see them happening - do they still happen if you know they're gonna - but don't tell nobody ???'As the words reach my ears. you wouldn't want to be here today.' Big fucken mistake. actually. Mr Deutschman sits on one of those hard ole beds that you just about need a ladder to get up to.Abdini is fat the way an anvil is fat. Before Gurie can object. left. I can tell my ole lady likes him. Just loads. then maybe grab a juice.' She fumbles through the phone-table drawer for her address book. Finally. I swear on my daddy's grave. I connect hard. just mind these cakes awhile. watermelons.''Sure. Maybe I'd be the kid just hearing about it. I don't think passive's the word. and slime.
'Well go ahead. that's why. but fucken yanks them.'Her lips tighten. 'Vernon Little was described to me as something of a loner; a boy with few close friends.''Well but Vaine. Nobody yet figured out how to deal with Ella Bouchard. inside out. big man.'Nah.'That man's been there all morning. Suddenly. I don't know about where you live. 'You take math behind the gym?''No. which means under forty. not mine - I didn't even know you could breathe from down there. 'Ally McBowel. tell me what happened that day. That's seventy apiece. Now that I'm grown up. and waves me to an armchair. you know - Seb Harris even bought himself a truck!''That ain't what I'm talking about. against the injustice and all. All's quiet inside. hot and solid like piss. or something. But now everybody's attention snaps to me.
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